Every Dollar is a Vote for your Favorite Team!
Learn more about each team by clicking their links below or going to the voting website.
Proceeds from this event continue to be used to improve the lives of those we serve.
And a special thank you to the Today Show’s Craig Melvin for the shoutout!
A very special thank you to the following team members!
Paul Frey
Bailey Kercheval
Nicole Myers
Morgan Hill
Butch and Roberta Bloxom
Ranelle Flurie
Mary Teal Medina & Lorna Shaffer
The Arc of Washington County, Inc. (Arc/WC) is a charitable non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization advocating for the rights and full participation of all children and adults with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities in our community. It is governed by a Board of Directors elected from its membership.
If you are interested in supporting this event with a sponsorship, please contact Alli Lanham via email ALanham@arcwc-md.org or call (301) 730-3299.